Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Alice in Wonderland Themed Wedding Shower

Bringing Fantasy to life! 

A few co-bridesmaids, Mother, and of course MOH are planning a May Alice in Wonderland themed Wedding Shower at the Bride-to-be's request. This theme is pretty much every girl's dream. We are going to give her the tea party/shower of a lifetime! Dressing the part will be one of the main pieces to this equation. As the planners we will practically be walking decorations. I am sure it will make for a photo perfect day.

I have been styling outfits in my head in anticipation for the fun filled festivities. I know Brittany (bride-to-be) really wants to keep her ensemble as close to Alice's as possible with a little bit of a modern twist. With Tim Burton's box office hit, Alice in Wonderland-inspired clothing is really everywhere you turn your head. Finding these outfits was way easier than I could have imagined. Whether attending a themed party or not, I think taking some cues from the style boards would add a little fun and fantasy to any gal's wardrobe. After all I found everything in regular shopping sites and just threw them together, so the pieces are in fact in style!

I don't know if I can say I have a favorite. I have been the Queen of Hearts twice for Halloween, once making my costume by hand, and it turned out fabulous! I will most likely either go as a regular tea party attendee or do a little bit of a Mad Hatter inspired look. No matter what, I think the key to selecting an outfit for a day spent in Wonderland is to pick crazy, romantic, fun, wild, uber girly, and historic inspired items to complete your outfit. So what do you think? If you were an attendee what would you wear? And what Alice inspired ensemble do you think would look best on our petite and curvacious blonde, bombshell bride Brittany?!

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